The “Young Barristers” joined the campaign : “The Book- beyond the bars”

17 March, 2015

The organization “Young Barristers” joined the humanitarian-social action by The Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee of the parliament of Georgia, “the Book - beyond the Bars” . The Committee has started implementation of the initiative after receiving the letter   of the prisoner of the 8th penitentiary department,  addressed to the Chair of the Committee Eka Beselia and where the prisoner requested for the renovation of the prison library. The committee made this letter public : “I am the prisoner, 53 years old. I would like to ask you for a bit weird favor. I do like reading, but our library is quite poor of books. It would not be hard for you to select some books for me to your taste. Me and my co-cellars will be grateful to you.” The committee invited different public agencies together with civil organizations and citizens to participate  in the campaign.  

The “Young Barristers” will do it’s bit for the campaign and will pass legal literature to the convicts. In addition, every  one, who wishes to  take part in the campaign, can come to the office of the organization: Tbilisi, Saburtalo,Vazisubani street #7, every working day from 10:00 to 18:00,  bring his/her book and leave it with memorable autograph. The campaign will last until Easter and after, the books will be passed to the prisoners.

The books will be collected in the Parliament and NGOs of the  Scientific-Edvisory Board of the Committee of the Human Rights and Civil Integration. The persons, willing to join ,can call : +995 577 45 34 34  +995 599 95 09 15 +995 322 28 16 88  and “Young Barristers” on the number : +995 322 374509
