“Young Barristers” will be one of the owners of the company “Trust of White Smock”

25 June, 2014

„Young Barristers“, on June 26th, 2014, will participate in the charity event organized by the student council of Tbilisi State Medical University, which will serve to popularize and raise the trust of “White Smock”

„Young Barristers“ will be the partners of the event “TEDDY BEAR HOSPITAL” hosted at Tbilisi State Media University. The project will serve to eradicate the fear of doctors, white smock and medicine in children. The event will include children form the orphanages. The project will be held at Tbilisi State Medical University and aside of various educational and entertaining events, there will be free medical examinations. The examinations will be done by the residents and pediatrists of Tbilisi State Medical University. The project will be held internationally on annual basis and all the report of activities will be sent to headquarters of European Medical Student Association (EMSA) in Brussels.

The organisers of the event are Georgian Parmaceutics Student Assosiation (GPSA), European Medical Student Assosiation in Tbilisi (EMSA – Tbilisi) and I. Tarkhnishvili Student Scientific Society.

“Young Barristers” chose to participate in the project out of high social interests, because the organization is investigating issues with the right of the patients, problems with the insurance, and health issues and consider, that growth of responsibility and role of young generation in medical society is of importance and needs support. 
